Vancbiker's latest activity

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    Vancbiker reacted to Kenre's post in the thread Linear rails with Like Like.
    Beer seeds! , Barley. Finished the Wheat, after Barley is Lentils and Field Peas.
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    Vancbiker reacted to Doug's post in the thread Linear rails with Like Like.
    Oats, wheat, corn, beans ? Spuds ?
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    Vancbiker replied to the thread Linear rails.
    There are different preload specs for linear rail assemblies. If you can find the full part number on the existing assembly, use that...
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    Vancbiker replied to the thread D1-11 Camlock reducer.....
    Enjoy while you can. Don’t know your zoning out there but after my area got swept inside the urban growth boundary and rezoned for...
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    Vancbiker reacted to Garwood's post in the thread D1-11 Camlock reducer.... with Like Like.
    How much of an issue is it to expand the shop where you're at? I feel like I got it pretty good here. Nobody really cares what you...
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    Vancbiker reacted to lobust's post in the thread D1-11 Camlock reducer.... with Like Like.
    The only obstacle is money. I have plenty of land around the workshop. It costs a lot of money to put up a large building here, because...
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